Technical Bulletin

MCM Panel System Definitions

Metal Composite Material (MCM) has been used as a means of exterior cladding in North American construction for more than 40 years.  In order for this flat sheet material to be used, it must first be fabricated into an assembly that is installable on the structure.  These different assemblies are known as installation “systems”.  In this Technical Bulletin, we will define the basic installation “systems” that were first developed, and continue to be used today.  We will also discuss some of the more sophisticated designs that are currently popular and meet the performance requirements of building technology practiced today.  When finished with this paper, the reader should have a basic understanding of the different system types and the performance characteristics that make each type of system unique.

Metal Composite Material (MCM) has been used as a means of exterior cladding in North American construction for more than 40 years. In order for this flat sheet material to be used, it must first be fabricated into an assembly that is installable on the structure. These different assemblies are known as installation “systems”. In this Technical Bulletin, we will define the basic installation “systems” that were 


 first developed, and continue to be used today. We will also discuss some of the more sophisticated designs that are currently popular and meet the performance requirements of building technology practiced today. When finished with this paper, the reader should have a basic understanding of the different system types and the performance characteristics that make each type of system unique.


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