
MCA Committees are comprised of member volunteers and technical advisors, charged with conducting programs aimed at growing the use of metal in the building envelope. The bylaws of MCA designate three standing committees – Executive, Finance/Audit, and Governance. The MCA board of directors has established additional committees (see below) to conduct the business of the association.

Send an email to info@metalconstruction.org to learn more about MCA initiatives and see how you can get involved.  


Codes and Standards

The Codes and Standards Committee monitors changes in pertinent codes, and standards, suggests proposals for changes, and develops positions consistent with expanding the use of metal in construction. The committee also keeps membership informed, on important actions or responses to codes.


  • Monitoring code development bodies for potential implications to the use of metal products in the building envelope
  • Initiating testing and research to support code change requests
  • Assisting with Webinars to educate MCA members on current codes and standards issues
  • Participating with affiliated groups to establish guidelines as needed

Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Andy Williams & Bob Zabcik




Monitors MCA financials, ensures surplus funds are appropriately invested, taxes are filed, insurance is adequate and current, and cooperate with independent CPA audit.


  • Monitors MCA financials and investments
  • Ensures taxes are filed
  • Confirms insurance is adequate and current
  • Cooperate with independent CPA audit

Committee Chair:

  •  LeeAnn Slattery, ATAS





  • Prepares a slate of officers and directors

Committee Chair:

  • Jim Bush, ATAS



Market Development

MCA’s market development program is aimed at increasing visibility for metal construction products within non-residential markets.


  • Channel available resources to create a comprehensive, integrated marketing program targeted to decision makers of large commercial, municipal, institutional and industrial projects
  • Provide educational materials and forums for decision makers to learn about the value of metal products in the building envelope
  • Increase member participation in the marketing programs

Committee Chair:

  • Chair - Mark Carlisle, US Steel

Committee Vice Chair:

  • Vice Chair – Lori Morrow-Reynolds, Sheffield Metals International




The Membership Committee develops expansion and retention programs, and has oversight of all other activities related to membership promotion.


  • Refining member communications based on communications audit
  • Contacting current members regarding renewal
  • Reaching out to prospective members in related or supplier categories and those who exhibit at METALCON and other trade shows

Committee Chair:

  • Bill Hartford, Sherwin-Williams






  • Coordinates activities with METALCON to maximize revenue and promote MCA’s sponsorship of the event
  • Coordinates MCA councils’ efforts related to producing MCA demos at METALCON

Committee Chair:

  • Chair - Miguel Pena, GSSI Sealants

Committee Vice Chair:

  • Vice Chair – Todd Miller, Isaiah Industries Inc



Program Committee

The Program Committee works with MCA staff to plan and execute the logistics and educational programs for MCA’s Annual and Semi-annual meetings.


  • Site selection for future meetings
  • Reviews program format and content to ensure meetings are productive and interesting for members
  • Meeting promotion

Committee Chair:

  • Chair – Jules Dekovics, Exceptional Metals

Committee Vice Chair:

  • Vice Chair – Jessica Haddock, S-5!


Statistics Committee

The Statistics Committee oversees the process of collecting, assembling and reporting on pertinent forecasting and production data for the metal construction industry.


  • Evaluates format to increase member participation
  • Supports market research programs
  • Promotes benefits of member participation

Committee Chair:

  • Chair- Brian Partyka, Carlisle Construction Materials



Technical Committee

The Technical Committee serves as a technical resource for MCA.


  • Responds to the needs and requests of the MCA Board of Directors, and of other committees and councils on technical and research issues
  • Researches and recommends ways to reduce the barriers for the use of metal in construction
  • Initiates and/or reviews technical documents, bulletins, guidelines and white papers for content and accuracy
  • Alerts the MCA Board and/or membership when necessary about technical issues affecting the use of metal in the building envelope

Committee Chair:

  • Chair – David Stermer, Metal Sales Manufacturing

Committee Vice Chair:

  • Vice Chair – Steve Maule, Fabral





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