Life Cycle Assessment Report

The Life Cycle Assessment report calculates the average environmental impact of the processes and the building envelope products manufactured by MCA member companies. The report is ideal for architects, designers, MCA member companies and the buildings and construction community at large to use for environmental benchmarking and decision-making.


The Metal Construction Association (MCA) , in cooperation with the National Coil Coating Association (NCAA), commissioned PE INTERNATIONAL, Inc. to conduct a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in order to calculate the average environmental impacts of building envelope products manufactured by its member companies. Primary data were collected from MCA members on five manufacturing processes used in 

manufacturing three key products: steel Insulated Metal Panels (IMP), aluminum Metal Composite Material (MCM) Panels, and steel roll-formed claddings. The environmental profiles of the respective gate-to-gate (GtG) processes and cradle-to-gate (CtG) products are expected to be used for environmental benchmarking and decision-making by MCA member companies, architects, designers, and the buildings and construction community at large.


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